Mount Rinjani with a highest point of 3726 m above sea level, dominating most of the views of the northern part of the island of Lombok.
On the west side there is a caldera cone Rinjani with an area of about 3500 m × 4800 m, extends towards the east and the west. In this caldera are Segara Anak (immediately = sea, lake) area of 11,000,000 square meters with a depth of 230 m. The water that flows from the lake to form a very beautiful waterfall, flowing through a steep ravine. In Segara Anak many carp and tilapia are so often used for fishing. The southern part of the lake is called Segara Endut.
On the east side of the caldera are New Mountain (or Mount Barujari) which has a crater measuring 170m x 200m with a height of 2296-2376 m above sea level. This small mountain last active / erupted since May 2, 2009 and during May, after also erupted in 2004. If the eruption in 2004 did not take casualties, eruption in 2009 has claimed the lives of 31 people indirectly, due to flash floods in Kokok (River) Tanggek by the pressure of the lava to Segara Anak. Previously, Mount Barujari ever recorded erupted in 1944 (and its formation), 1966, and 1994.Selain Mount Barujari there are also others who have been erupting crater, called Mount Entourage.
In stratigraphy, Mount Rinjani covered by Neogene clastic sedimentary rocks (including limestone), and local by Oligo-Miocene volcanic rocks. Quaternary volcanoes itself mostly produce pyroclastic flows, which in some places interspersed with lava. Lithology was recorded partly known eruption in history. Since 1847 there has been a 7 times outburst, with the shortest rest period of 1 year and the longest 37 years.
As in other volcanoes, Koesoemadinata (1979) mentions that the post-formation activity Rinjani volcano caldera is rebuilding. Activity is efusiva which produce lava and form deposits eksplosiva-off material (pyroclastic). Lava usually black, and when the drip looks like foamy. After the eruption of the caldera formation is relatively weak, and lava cone issued by Barujari G. and G. The group is relatively more alkaline than other volcanic lava in Indonesia. The possibility of hot clouds when an eruption peaked very small. Materials eruptions generally deposited on the inside of the caldera alone.
Lava flows, lava eruptions, lava rain, and pyroclastic avalanches likely to lead to the White crowing until Batusantek. Hot clouds avalanches can occur along leleran new lava is still moving, although unlikely.
Structure and Tectonics
Segara Anak caldera shape that to the west-east allegedly associated with cracks in the rock structure-base. Rinjani Volcano located in the path of the Quaternary volcanic arc system Banda In the western part is formed by the basic tunjaman activity below the rim of the Indian Ocean Plate Southeast Asia. Tunjaman pathway located in the south showed a compression force trending north-south. Cracks-basic rocks east-west trending, which affects wake caldera, thus interpreted as cracks release caused by traction force. The structure is formed at least since the beginning of the Quaternary.
The peak of Mount Rinjani
Climbing Mount Rinjani (peak) is one of the attractions is a mainstay in the area of Mount Rinjani National Park. Mount Rinjani as an active volcano in Indonesia highest number 2. The peak of Mount Rinjani is the goal of most of the adventurers and nature lovers who visit this area as if it has reached the top it is a matter of pride. Animo community of nature lovers across the country and even from abroad in climbing activity is quite large, as is evident by the number of visitors who climb each year has increased. Climbing activities massively conducted in July s / d in August, in August (mid) ascent participants generally dominated by the student / students from all over Indonesia who want to celebrate the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia at the summit of Mount Rinjani and Segara Anak Lake through activities "Tread Rinjani" held regularly every year by one of the group of nature lovers on the island of Lombok in cooperation with the National Park of Mount Rinjani.
Segara Anak Lake
Featured charm Mount Rinjani National Park is highly prospective Lake Segara Anak, this location can be reached from two official channels, namely climbing and hiking trail hiking trail Sembalun Senaru.
To visit the lake Segara Anak from Senaru path takes takes about 7-10 hours of walking (± 8 km) of hiking trails Senaru gate. While on a hiking trail Sembalun reached within 8-10 hours. Segara Anak Lake at an altitude of 2,010 m above sea ± and a depth of approximately ± 230 meters of the lake has the shape of a crescent with an area of about 1,100 hectares.
Around the lake Segara Anak there is enough land and flat, can be used to place camping, visitors also can fish in the lake or soak in hot water containing sulfur.
Other objects in the vicinity of Lake Segara Anak is Koko Puteq Upper River ± 150 meters from the lake Segara Anak. There are also Goa Dairy, Manik Goa, Goa Umbrella, Goa Milk is believed to be a reflection of media themselves and are often used as a place to meditate. While at the bottom of the lake Segara Anak there are hot springs (Aik Kalak Pengkereman water pot) which is used to test and bathe magical objects (Sword, Kris, Badik, Spear, Dagger, etc.) which, if these objects become sticky when soaked it signifies the objects ugly / does not have supernatural powers, otherwise if these objects remain intact means that they will have supernatural powers / believed to have efficacy.
Rinjani has Panaroma best among the mountains in Indonesia. Each year (June to August) are frequently visited nature lovers ranging from local residents, students, nature lovers.
The average air temperature of about 20 ° C; Lowest 12 ° C. Strong winds in the usual peak occurred in August.
In addition to the summit, a place frequented is Segara Chicks, a lake located at an altitude of 2,000m above sea level. To reach this location we could climb from Senaru village or village Sembalun Lawang (two entry points at a height of 600m above sea nearby and 1.150m asl).
Most climbers begin the ascent of the route of ascent Sembalun and terminate in Senaru, it can save 700 m altitude. These little long but Sembalun flat, and the weather is hot because it is through the blazing savanna (cold temperatures but direct solar radiation burns the skin). cream shading is highly recommended.
From Senaru These climbs without a pause, but the weather is soft because it is through the woods. From these two locations takes about 7 hours walking to the lip of the ridge at an altitude of 2.641m asl (arriving in Plawangan Senaru or Plawangan Sembalun). In this place great views towards the lake, as well as to the outside very nice. From Plawangan Senaru (if rising from the direction of Senaru) down to the lake through a steep wall to a height of 2,000 meters above sea level) that can be reached within 2 hours. At the lake we could camping, fishing (Carper, mossambicus) are aplenty. Lombok residents have a tradition of visiting puppies immediately to soak in hot tubs and fishing.
To reach the top (of the lake) had to walk west wall climbing as high as 700m and up the ridge as high as 1,000 m are taken dlm 2 phase 3 hours and 4 hours. A first step toward Plawangan Sembalun, the last camp to wait for morning. Summit attack is usually done at 3 am to find the beautiful moments - sunrise at the top of Rinjani. The journey to the summit is considered good; because climbing on the crater rim with a margin of safety that is mediocre. Terrain of sand, stone, soil. The last 200 meters height should be taken with great difficulty, because one step forward followed by a half-step down (fallen rocks gravel). Create highlander - this place is the most challenging and unpaid preferred because of the rough terrain with beautiful natural scenery. Mount Agung in Bali, Mount roar in Banyuwangi and Mount Tambora on Sumbawa clearly visible when the weather is nice in the morning. To climb Rinjani is not necessary tools, enough stamina, patience and passion climbers.
Overall the trip can be achieved in the course of three days and two nights, or if you want to see two other objects: Cave Milk and New Finger mountain (Mount Rinjani child with a new crater in the middle of the lake) need additional two-day trip. Logistical preparation is necessary, but fortunately everything could be obtained in a nearby village. Tent, sleeping bag, cutlery, food and whatever is needed (including radio communication) can be rented on-homestay homestay mushrooming in Senaru village.