Entis Sutisna aka comedian Sule the multi-talented newcomer. Cimahi man born 15 November 1976 has now become the new billionaires, the first father of three children had undergone around the village selling corn on the cob, fried chicken trader and kebaya.Tapi after successfully won the race Auditions Comedian TPI (API) with the group SOS Comedy Sule now flooding order and become billionaires comedian. Income of more than USD 1 billion a month obtained from several TV stations for example in the event Opera Van Java in Trans7, Awass There Sule on Global TV. Since becoming champion in Indosiar SuperStar event, Sule frequently appeared on television as a presenter, talk show guest star, musical performers and comedians or comedians.
Sule who once mentored senior comedian Kang's own talent Ibing droll since 3rd grade. At that time a small Sule often perform at the Agustusan.Ayah of Rizki (12), daughter (8), and Rizwan (2) other than the droll also known singing smart and clever jokes jokester spontaneity. Alumni STSI Bandung is also capable of blocking and has a very distinctive funny talent plus long hair blonde color complementary character.
Sule has now become billionaires with wealth in the form of five houses in Bandung and Jakarta, two cars and two motorcycles. It used to live in a rented house early marriage with Lina (32) in 1997. Formerly a large income droll yet only $ 20 thousand a day, so it is still nyambi fried chicken trade and sell kebaya. But after the success in television, Sule has billions in a month income, including from the Opera Van Java which gives income of Rp 20 million - USD 40 million a pop.
The owner of this blonde long hair when you hear music directly reflexes jaipongan dancing so often ridiculed. Instead it became the flagship with spontaneity droll be additional to enrich the character of future goals Sule Sule.Dulu indeed become a television news anchor so he was moved from West Java to Jakarta, in order to achieve it. Although the affairs of school achievement is very muddy and the like cheating, but Sule has danced since childhood hobby so he was schooled her parents to go to the ISMS after from SMP.
Sule star began to shine when he and his two friends, Ogi Suwarna and Obin Wahyudin auditioned buffoonery API (Academy Comedian Indonesia) in TPI. A year later, Sule won Superstar Show, an event in Indosiar and celebrity duet entitled to bring home a car. The climax when he starred in Opera Van Java.
In 2009 and 2010 the name Sule more flying with frequent appearances on television entertainment programs that churn the stomach by acting funny and spontan.Kini Sule name already worth aligned with hammer Arwana, KOMENG, Eko Patrio, Parto, and Olga Syahputra who was crowned as 5 Most Expensive Indonesia.Seperti KOMENG comedian, Sule has the ability spontaneity joke which is exceptionally responsive, fast, creative and nice. In appearance on stage also has considerable blocking ability. Sule including one funny comedian who has a strong character and unique.
Sule droll talent comes from his father in meatballs itinerant sellers. His father always membanyol and make the buyer baksonya laugh. However Sule started up on stage instead of the joke, but as a music player. Although already very famous, Sule still harbored dreams that go international, though not very good at English. Despite wallowing in wealth was not all luxury of living artists and claimed to want to keep a simple life. Suzuki APV is still a vehicle every day will syuting.Ramadhan last year, became Sule moment to grab a lot of treasures. He received a payment of $ 4 million in one episode Opera Van Java. OVJ aired twice a day for Sahur even he paid double that in a day Sule could collect USD 12 million. That does not include presenter fees and so on. If calculated, more than USD 100 million into the account each month Sule.
Sule now also own a business in London in the form of a salon, cafe, shop clothes, cell phones and music studios. Men originator greeting "prikitiw" stay at home occupies the former residence, a boarding house in South Jakarta. As a comedian, Sule there was no death. He was always joking and laughing off while on set and often surprised many people with his actions ridiculous to entertain. Sule still remember his brother and divide the fortune also for younger siblings. Sule was the second of four children.
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