The origins Diponegara
Prince Dipanegara is the eldest son of Sultan Hamengkubuwono III, a king of Mataram in Yogyakarta. Born on 11 November 1785 in Yogyakarta with Mustahar name of a concubine named RA Mangkarawati, namely a garwa ampeyan (wife concubine) from Pacitan. Dipanegara little prince named Raden Mas Antawirya.
Realizing his position as the son of a concubine, Dipanegara rejected his father's wishes, Sultan Hamengkubuwono III, for him the king. He refused to remember her mother is not the empress. Dipanegara least married to nine women in his life, namely:
- >> B.R.A. Retno Madubrongto Kyai Gedhe Dhadhapan second daughter;
- >> R.A. Supadmi who later named R.A. Retnakusuma, daughter of Raden Tumenggung Natawijaya III, Regent Panolan, Jipang;
- >> R.A. Retnodewati a daughter Kyai in the South region of Yogyakarta;
- >> R.Ay. Citrowati, daughter of Raden Tumenggung Ronggo Parwirosentiko with one of the wives concubines;
- >> R.A. Maduretno, daughter Raden Rangga Prawiradirjo III with Ratu Maduretno (daughter of HB II), so RA Maduretno with Sentot Prawirodirdjo his half-brother, but another mother;
- >> R.Ay. Ratnaningsih daughter Raden Tumenggung Sumoprawiro, regent Jipang Kepadhangan;
- >> R.A. Retnakumala daughter Kyahi Teacher Kasongan;
- >> R.Ay. Ratnaningrum daughter of Prince mediator or Dipawiyana II.
Syarifah daughter Fatima Wajo Datuk Husain (Female from Wajo, Makassar), his tomb is in Napier. This Fatima syarifah full nasab is Syarifah Wajo Fatima bint Husayn bin Datuk Datuk Datuk Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Tahir bin Datuk Datuk Thayyib bin Datuk Datuk Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Qasim bin Datuk Datuk Jamaluddin skipper Ali bin Hussain Asghar ibn Husayn Jamal Akbar.
Dipanegara more interested in religious life and close to the people so that he would rather stay in great-grandparent Tegalrejo residence of her daughter, Queen consort of HB I Ageng Tegalrejo than in the palace. Rebellion against the leadership of the palace began Hamengkubuwana V (1822) where Dipanegara be one member of a trust that accompany Hamengkubuwana V 3-year-old, while the daily administration jointly held by Patih Danureja Dutch resident. The way the trust as it is not approved Dipanegara.
Dipanegara more interested in religious life and close to the people so that he would rather stay in great-grandparent Tegalrejo residence of her daughter, Queen consort of HB I Ageng Tegalrejo than in the palace. Rebellion against the leadership of the palace began Hamengkubuwana V (1822) where Dipanegara be one member of a trust that accompany Hamengkubuwana V 3-year-old, while the daily administration jointly held by Patih Danureja Dutch resident. The way the trust as it is not approved Dipanegara.
Diponegoro War (1825-1830)
Diponegoro War began when the Dutch have marked Dipanegara owned land in the village Tegalrejo. At that time, he was already fed up with the behavior of the Netherlands who do not respect the local customs and so exploit people by taxation.
Dipanegara attitude which openly oppose the Netherlands, the sympathy and support of the people. On the advice Mangkubumi, uncle, Dipanegara away from Tegalrejo, and create a headquarters in a cave called Goa Selarong. At that time, Dipanegara stated that the opposition is sabil war, resistance to face the infidels. Spirit "sabil war" waged Dipanegara bring far-reaching impact to the region and Kedu Pacitan. One of the religious leaders in Surakarta, Kyai Maja, joined forces in Goa Selarong.Perjuangan Dipanegara Dipanegara Prince is supported by SISKS Pakubuwono VI and Raden Hero Member Regent Prawirodigdaya Gagatan.
Various ways continued effort to capture Dipanegara Netherlands. Even the contest was used. Gulden 50,000 prize awarded to anyone who could capture Dipanegara. Until finally Dipanegara arrested in 1830.
Diponegoro War there was an open war with the deployment of troops of infantry, cavalry and artillery -which since the Napoleonic wars a weapon in the battle frontal- on both sides took place with fierce. Front fighting occurred in dozens of towns and villages throughout Java. The battle lasted so fierce that when an area can be controlled by Dutch troops during the day, then the next night the region had retaken by indigenous forces; vice versa. Logistics pathways built from one area to another to support the war effort. Tens of gunpowder refinery built in the forests and the abyss. Production of gunpowder and bullets while the war continues berkencamuk. The spying and courier work hard to find and deliver the necessary information to prepare a war strategy. Information about the strength of the enemy, mileage and time, terrain, rainfall hit the headlines; because of sniper tactics and strategies that can only be built through the mastery of information.
Major attacks indigenous people always carried out in the rainy months; the senopati realize once to cooperate with nature as a "weapon" undefeated. When the rainy season arrives, the Dutch governor will do its efforts to negotiate a cease-fire and, because of heavy tropical rains make their troop movements hampered. Malaria, dysentery, and so is the "invisible enemy" to weaken the moral and physical condition even claimed the lives of their troops. When the cease-fire occurs, the Netherlands will consolidate forces and deploy spies and provocateurs they move in villages and towns; incite, divide and even suppress the family members Princess and leaders of the struggle of the people who fought under the command of prince Dipanegara. However, the indigenous fighters remained undaunted and fought against the Dutch.
At the height of the war, the Dutch deployed more than 23,000 soldiers; something that has never happened when it was where an area that is not too large as Central Java and East Java partially guarded by tens of thousands of soldiers. From the military angle, this is the first war that involves all known methods in a modern war. Both methods of warfare open (open warfare), as well as methods of guerrilla warfare (geurilia warfare) as implemented by the hit and run tactics and ambushes. This is not a tribal war or tribal warfare. But a modern war which utilize various tactics that had not yet been put into practice. This war is also equipped with the psychological warfare tactics (psy-war) through insinuation and pressures as well as provocation by the Dutch against those directly involved in the fighting; and spying activities (espionage) in which both sides are spying and seeking information about the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent.
In 1827, the Dutch to attack Dipanegara using bastion system that forces Dipanegara pinched. In 1829, Kyai Maja, the spiritual leader of the rebellion, was arrested. Following Mangkubumi and Sentot Alibasya main commander surrendered to the Dutch. Finally, on March 28, 1830, General De Kock managed Dipanegara clamping forces in Magelang. There, Prince Dipanegara states are willing to surrender on condition that the rest of the army is released. So, Prince Dipanegara arrested and exiled to Manado, then moved to Makassar until his death in Fort Rotterdam January 8, 1855.
The war against the invaders and then continued by the sons of Prince Diponegoro. Prince Alip or Ki Sodewo or nice Singlon, Diponingrat, diponegoro Anom, Prince Joned continue resistance despite having ended tragically. Four Crown Prince Diponegoro exiled to Ambon, while Prince Joned killed in the war, as well as Ki Sodewo.
War is the final resistance Javanese Javanese nobility. The Java War many casualties on the part of the Indian government as much as 8,000 soldiers European nationals, 7,000 native and Java 200,000. So that after this war the population of Yogyakarta shrink by half. Given for some people Kraton Dipanegara considered rebels, so it is said grandchildren no longer allowed into the palace, until then Sri Sultan HB IX gives amnesty for Dipanegara descent, taking into account the national spirit that belongs Dipanegara that time. Now grandchildren Dipanegara can freely enter the palace, especially to take care of their pedigree, without fear of expulsion.
Hero Award
In recognition of his services in the fight against colonialism Diponegoro. In some big cities in Indonesia are Diponegoro street. Semarang city itself is also an appreciation that Prince Diponegoro name will always live. Name the name of the place which bears his name, among others, Diponegoro Stadium, Jalan Diponegoro, Diponegoro University, Diponegoro military command. Also there are several statues are made, Diponegoro in Undip Pleburan statue, sculpture IV Dipanegara Diponegoro military command and at the entrance Undip Tembalang.
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia during the reign of President Sukarno on 8 January 1955 conducted the National Haul commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Prince Diponegoro, whereas gained recognition as a national hero Prince Diponegoro on 6 November 1973 through Presidential Decree No. 87 / TK / highest 1973.Penghargaan it is given by the World, on June 21, 2013 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) set Chronicle Diponegoro World Heritage Memory (Memory of the World). Babad Diponegoro is a classic text that is made by Prince Diponegoro when exiled in Manado, North Sulawesi, in 1832-1833. The chronicle tells about the life story of Prince Diponegoro, whose real name Raden Mas Antawirya.
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